When at home, your pet dog might get bored when nothing is interesting to do. This is because we can engage ourselves in watching TV, reading books, or other meaningful tasks but they can’t. So you should be ready with some fun game ideas for keeping yourselves as well as your pet entertained.

Fun Game Activities for your Pet Dog:

Here is a list of fun games that you can try engaging your dog with:

1.Obstacle Course:

In this game, you can use the common objects in your home to design a simple or complex course for your pet. For example, broken boxes can be used in which you can ask the dog to crawl through, or keep a stack of small boxes and ask it to jump over. Some cones and poles can also be used for creating an obstacle course to train it.

2.Hidden Treasure:

This game involves using the sniffing ability of the pet to identify its treatment that is kept closed underneath a box. Since dogs can identify a wide range of smells as they have 45 different scent receptors, it is a great game for them. On finding the treat, it should be rewarded with the treat underneath, which will encourage it further to get involved in the game. Its nose work skills can even be stimulated by the use of a snuffle mat to hide its treatment as it comes with different pockets and puzzles, letting you set the difficulty.

3.Hide and Seek:

Just like human kids, dogs too love this game. But first, make sure it understands your commands like come, stay, and sit. Let them stay in a room and then hide in a different place from where you can call its name aloud. Once it finds you, celebrate its accomplishment to encourage it and make it cheerful.

4.Playing with Sits:

This involves cheering your pet, jumping up and down, and riling it as much as possible to get it excited. Then ask it to sit, which it won’t listen to initially but gradually based on its hyper activeness, it will get trained to follow your instruction. This is the perfect way of teaching it to go from an excited state to a calm and patient state.

Training your pet to be obedient is a fun activity that will keep your pet occupied besides enhancing its skills for competitions. It will start responding in a positive way when you instruct something.

5.Cleaning up their Toys:

This is a perfect game to teach the dog to keep its things in place. Ask it to pick toys from the container and then put it back at the end of the day. When they do it properly, praise them and repeat it till it does this all by itself every day. Such new skills will not just enhance its confidence but will stimulate it mentally.

6.Tug of War:

This is an excellent game to keep your pet engaged mentally and physically. You can even do it indoors. It is not true that the game will make it aggressive or dominant when you let it win. When you let it win, it gets a sense of encouragement to play more. They learn some basic rules like the game is over once its teeth touch the owner’s hand. Studies show that owners engaging their pet dogs in this game are more obedient and confident.

7.Puzzle Toy:

These interactive toys are one of the easiest ways to keep your pet engaged and entertained. Even if you let it lay once a day for about 15 minutes, its focus will increase and the problem behaviors will drastically reduce. These toys trigger the pet’s natural problem-solving skills, which enhances their confidence. Try different puzzles to understand which one is loved the most by it.


If you don’t train your pet and keep it engaged in enough useful activities, it will start coming up with activities that are destructive, such as chewing shoes, curtains, or excessive barking. This makes playing very important. It can be indoors or outdoors but is extremely essential to enhance the quality of your pet’s life and keep it confident.

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