After finishing off a long working day inviting us into the home with a sweet voice ‘Hello Sweet Heart! How was your day? If our pet asks these questions we feel hessel free from all the work tensions. If anyone would like to have these kinds of pet partners at home, then here are some of the best pets to accompany you.

Top 10 Most Popular Pet Birds That can Talk


Other Name: Budgies, parakeets
Vocabulary: 120 to 500 words
Lifespan: 10 to 15 years
Species: Melopsittacus undulatus

Budgerigar, otherwise called the Budgie or Parakeet, are wonderful birds for pet lovers, this normal little bird is equipped for learning countless expressions and tunes. Their voice will in general below and not generally characterized, and guys will in general train better compared to females. Although it may take some time to teach and train them to talk, and later on you will enjoy their skills and maintain a deep relationship with them.

2.Quaker Parakeet

Other Name: Monk parakeet
Vocabulary: 40 to 100 words
Lifespan: 20 to 30 years
Species: Myiopsitta monachus

This is additionally called Monk Parakeet, these parakeets mostly like to be held on shoulders and hands; these make great birds and good companions to humans. They are quiet and more entertaining birds suitable for all kinds of houses including apartments. These may even become aggressive and pluck feathers when they face any kind of problems.

3.Blue-Fronted Amazon

Other Name: Monk parakeet
Vocabulary: 40 to 100 words
Lifespan: 20 to 30 years

One of the popular talking birds from South America, having the ability to form a bond only with one person. These parrots can talk for hours if trained well, and can even sing songs. They have a brilliant talking voice, with a solid capacity to mirror human voices. The Blue-Fronted can live up to 100 years.

4.Ring-Necked Parakeet

Other Name: Indian RingNeck
Vocabulary: 100 to 130 words
Lifespan: 20 to 30 years
Species: Psittacula krameri

These are exceptionally astute little birds, Indian Ringnecks can talk obviously in sentences and long paras with clarity, Less for mirroring the pitch of a human voice, they all the more frequently talk in their own bird voices, however, they can convey the state of mind of the expression. It is a historical pet, since centuries ago it has been kept as a pet.


Other Name: Eclectus roratus
Vocabulary: 100 to 120 words
Lifespan: 20 to 30 years
Species: Eclectus roratus

Eclectus Parrots are generally friendly and are not noisy, they can imitate human voices perfectly. These are known for being particularly sexual orientation dimorphous – The male is green and the female is radiant red. This parrot can express unmistakably and copy the tone and temperament of language. While its capacities are solid, these capacities rely altogether upon preparing since the beginning. These are also able to handle stress and are independent.

6.Mynah Birds

Other Name: Hill Mynah
Vocabulary: 40 to 100 words
Lifespan: 20 to 30 years
Species: Common Myna

This lovely minimal dark bird has an astounding limit of imitating human voices, with a deferred scope of pitch and resonance. They have strong legs and are medium-sized birds. They are very active and quick learners. They imitate human words at a very young age in about 6 months. They also have a specific talent to understand human words and talk in the same pitch and frequency, whereas other birds can’t.

7.Yellow-Naped Amazon

Other Name : Auropalliata
100 to 120 words
: 60 to 70 years
Species: Amazona auropalliata

The Yellow-Naped have more capacity for talking and playfulness, They love to sing and are Highly clever, with an uncanny capacity to mirror human discourse and rhythm. They have the capacity to copy a wide range of words, and songs with full clarity from the surroundings. They started to talk at a younger age. They even like to spend time with owners and play with toys and even need some exercise to stay healthy. Their diet includes Fruits, seeds, berries, nuts, and leaf buds.

8.African Gray

Other Name: Cameroon, Ghana.
Vocabulary: 50 to 200 words
Lifespan: 40 to 50 years
Species: Psittacus erithacus (Congo African Grey)
P. Erithacus subspecies timneh (Timneh African Grey)

The African Gray is generally viewed as the sharpest of the talking birds, and quite possibly the keenest in the set of all animals by and large. A few specialists say they approach the capacity to talk and relate ideas fair and square to a human baby. They are very intelligent and can learn up to a hundred words with some awesome vocabulary. They are also able to understand and convert the conversation into short and speak out.

9.Derbyan Parakeet

Other Name: Lord Derby’s parakeet
Vocabulary: 20 to 40 words
Lifespan: 20 to 30 years
Species: Psittacula derbiana

The Derbyan is one of the largest and rare birds that can talk, male birds have reddish-orange beakers whereas females have black beakers, it is very hard to train them but they can catch the human words and talk some vocals and understand human words. These birds need more interaction and concentration. You need to spend some time learning and understanding them to train and make them best buddies.


Other Name: Hyacinth Macaw
Vocabulary: 30 to 50 words
Lifespan: 40 to 50 years
Species: Ara ararauna

One of the best Playful, intelligent, energetic birds, these macaws are very easy to train and can learn quickly and mimic humans’ vocals, but can mimic only specific words.  They can make a lot of noise with loud voices, if trained well they can maintain silence and start to communicate with humans. It also likes to spend time with its own species.


Indeed, even at the most elevated level of capacity, There are still a few birds that won’t talk, regardless of what you do or how early you train. Similarly, as there hush-up, timid individuals, there are peaceful and bashful birds. Also, similarly likewise with individuals, a few birds are more astute than others.

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