Our Kittens are like members of the family, we love them very much, but the fur they shed once in a while is not so lovely. It may cause Allergy, Asthma & other complications that can cause moderate to severe health disorders if we allow our kittens to roam around the house. Below are the best methods one should always follow, especially during the sheddy season. We bring you the perfect 12 methods to avoid your cat’s fur falling around the house.

12 Best Ways to Avoid Cat Hair/Fur Around the House

1.Bath your Cat at Least Once in a Month

Cats are generally self-cleaning pets but may need a rare bath to keep their fur clean and odour-free. Kittens figure out how to lick themselves when they are excessively young and as they grow up, they invest the majority of their busy schedule in their personal hygiene. However, a shower can help restore their skin, which eliminates an abundance of oil to keep the skin healthy and prevents the hair from falling.


It seems practically impossible to make your carpet fur – free . Vacuum cleaner will make your work easy . It is an electronic device which collects dust, debris, and waste ; so does cat fur too. This is a smooth technique to get rid of cat fur, found all over the home. Vacuum cleaning avoids usage of water to bathe the cats. It’s a good option for cats who have hydrophobia.

3.Brush your Pet Regularly

Brushing your cat regularly will reduce the amount of excess hair they carry. And that means less hair falling from your cat onto your floor, which avoids the rubbing off on your furniture. Regularly brushing your cat even helps to remove dirt and grease, removes dead hair, and minimizes shedding. Above all, it stimulates blood circulation and lastly removes dandruff along with skin flakes.

4.Change the Diet

The food that a cat has also impacted the loss of fur. So make sure your pet has a protein diet which is an animal-based ingredient. Dietary fat plays a significant role in shedding, especially omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fats. On the other hand, unsaturated fats advance the improvement of skin, which permits the kittens to quit shedding their hair.

5.Launder your pet bedding once a week

Laundering is one of the hygienic practices to make a house clean from cat fur.Put all of your pet’s bedding and blankets in the washing machine and use a pet-safe laundry detergent to wash the load and add some pet hair dissolver to get rid of any leftover hairs.This cleaning process will be effective if washed once a week.

6.Grooming your Cat

Grooming is the easiest way to control the fur shedding of cats. Removing excess fur may also help in shedding fur all over the house, even cats look cute when they are groomed. Cats if taken personal care is less prone to lose their hair. Grooming is the best way to get out of this cat’s fur falling.

7.Keeping the cats Hydrated

Water is essential to your cat’s health. It helps in maintaining good health and replaces the fluids that they lose through their urine and feces. Water is also necessary for your cat’s circulation, digestion, and waste removal. There are a few different ways to hydrate a cat. Use a cat water fountain with fresh water to encourage them to drink. Try giving your cat meat-flavored water from a trusted pet food store. Provide multiple clean water sources around your home, in cats water bowls for the cat to drink daily.

8.Using rubber wipes/gloves

Scrubbing your pet using a rubber glove while shampooing it will help you generate uniform lather and effectively clean the coat of your cat. And when you are not bathing your cat, you can wear this glove and pat your cat’s coat to give it a healthy massage. You can even accumulate the falling fur in this glove and clean it easily to avoid bunches of fur lying all over your home. These rubber wipes are more useful to avoid the shedding of your pet cat.

9.Wearing Cats Clothing

The clothing for a cat will reduce the fur fall. Even if it sheds fur that will get collected in the cat’s clothes. This wearing will help the house look clean from fur falling all around the floor.Make sure your cat’s outfits are just right , with proper sizes. Make your pet feel free to wear clothing orelse cats would feel stressed out. This wearing will help to reduce the fur fall and your house will look neat and tidy , even if you own a pet cat.

10.Provide them a Space like Home

You need to create private spaces for your cat that allows them to get away from the hustle and bustle of your home. Each cat you own should have a designated space, although they may switch and change its hiding spaces from time to time. Cats need to find spaces where they will be protected from hunters, and they love to watch out for all that is going on around them so they can remain safe. Providing cats their own space will make their living hassle-free even with human beings like us.

11.Reduce Stress

Cats shed their fur even because of stress. So to reduce the stress they should maintain good health. Visits to a less stressful veterinary doctor can improve the mental health of cats. Consistent cat training will also reduce stress from human behavior. Creating a peaceful mealtime, without any disturbances will make cats reduce their stress likewise slow down from shedding. Stress-reducing playtime is more than just fun and exercise and it is beneficial in reducing stress on an everyday basis.

12.Use Lint Roll

Lint roll actually is a device to remove small fiber particles such as cat fur from clothing, furniture, and all around the home. It is one of the trendings and hassle-free techniques to clean all the shedding remains of cats. The cat may not be eager to cooperate, but a good way to rapidly lose small insects and ticks. It will help to get free from hair fall that could end up shedding on furnishings and garments. As it is an adhesive feature of a lint roller, make sure that it is not too sticky for practicing on a cat.


We hope all the twelve methods mentioned above will help u in maintaining your pet’s hygiene as well as all the surroundings of your home, however, we advise you to consult your veterinarian if any of the above methods are not helping you to avoid shedding your cat’s fur.

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