Birds are the most lovable, fascinating, beautiful pets among all other pets and more intelligent than any other pet. All bird lovers would want to spend time chit-chatting with their buddies, but it makes it more fun to see him responding to your actions or commands. If your bird is trained with some cool tricks it will impress the world who watch him. It may be difficult to train your bird at first, but it is always possible if you patiently try to make him practice and that consistency will make your relationship more fun. Below are a few important and essential steps everyone must know to train your bird easily.

8 Best Ways to Train your Birds

1.Basics of your Bird Training

It is really essential to know the basics before you begin your training for your pet bird. When the training is begun you might notice nuances of your pet’s behavior and it’s important to understand changes in your bird’s mood. Few Important points to consider before your start training are, Your training session should be short not more than 10 min every day. Make a habit for your bird to get used to the feed you give him before training. Fewer distractions during the training result best.  Train him at the same intervals every day to make a routine. And do not miss watching your bird’s signs of responsiveness and be reminded that your bird may be intelligent but sensitive too. Do not worry he will get used to your training if you understand his moods.

2.Step up instructions

The first and important part of training is to teach him to step up on your finger. This is essential that every bird should know at first. This will help you to understand your bird’s impressive responses and be very useful for you while you clean his cage, take him to a veterinarian visit, and so on. Make sure you do this in a calm and closed environment to avoid fly-off attempts. Talk gently with your bird to make him comfortable and extend your hand very gently by pressing with your finger on the bird’s lower abdomen. Say Step-Up with a very low and gentle tone on every training schedule and he will start attempting to step up on your commands going forward.

3.Train your bird to say Hello

If you have already managed your bird with the step-up command, it’s high time for him to teach you how to wave his hand to say hello. If your bird already got used to the step-up command will tend to learn to wave his hand more quickly. This command works in the same way by extending your finger and saying “Hello” in a gentle tone. He will slowly raise his foot and if you do not allow him to take him on your finger, He will step back. Repeat this exercise every day to achieve perfection which blows your mind once he learns to say Hello.

4.Train your Bird to Respond to his Name

Choose an appropriate name for your bird and before you begin this training, make sure you have a reward or a treat for your bird. Small cut pieces of fruits, seeds will help your bird get attracted to it whenever you approach him for this activity. Slowly call his name and immediately reward him, repeat this for 15 minutes every day. As the days pass by, you will notice your bird waiting for his treat upon calling his name. Be sure to give him limited treats and proper breaks in between.

5.Train your Bird to Talk

There are only a few species of birds that can talk. Understand what species of bird you have to initiate this activity better. Talking is not just like humans but most of the birds mimic and sometimes reciprocate what we say. The best way to encourage your pet to talk is, to begin with, small vocals like to say ‘hi, hello, bye’. Always remember when you interact with your pet do it happily and with a positive tone, then you may receive the reaction.

6.Train your Bird to Potty on Proper Place

The first step in training your bird is to train yourself, if you understand your bird and read its activity then it is easy for you to train your birds. First of all, interact with your bird and start giving signals with your facial expression and also pay attention to its dropping. They do it frequently for every 10 min. If you clearly notice there will be a pattern in its restroom habits then you may come to a conclusion when it is ready to potty then it is the right time to show him a good place and put him in that place when he is for potty do this process regularly till he gets habituated.

7.Train your Bird to Dance

When you have a feather companion the thing you have to notice is, they always like to play. In general, some birds are very intelligent and can learn activities and behavior very fast and the best way to teach them is through communication. To make him dance, turn on some music first and notice where it is swinging or responding to the music then begin to clap or praise him for its movement. Repeat this whenever you play some music till it gets habituated, this will give you positive results.

8.Train your Birds to not to Prick or Bite

Always be patience while training your bird, and do not command them with a louder voice, as they may get irritated and start screaming or pricking the finger or may also spoil the furniture by pricking or biting so to avoid all these trains your pet with patience and using some vocals like NO, os signaling with hand saying No. don’t ever punish them or hit them. Train them and give them some treats to learn faster.


Bird training needs a lot of patience and dedication. The main cause is to make your bird your best buddy. Do not hurry to teach them as they may change their mental stimulation and become aggressive, always pets require some time to learn. Above are some of the teaching and training methods that may help you to train your bird pet and make them your bestie.

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