Your Dog may be the cutest pet you have, but it might also have the dirtiest paws if you take him for a usual walk or an exercise .Your Dog doesn’t like messy feet either, that is the reason he also lick his paws to get rid of the mess however, that can potentially cause him get infected with several types of bacteria that comes with the dirt of his paws. Even a small cut on his feet can increase chances of infection due to dirty paws.
It is essential to clean his feet thoroughly every time he comes back from his walk and maintain hygiene for your pet and also your house
Here are some of the ideas below to clean your dog’s paws efficiently without much efforts.
Bath may not always be fun for your pet, particularly if he’s kept to the tub. You must make him enjoy the shower with fun and somewhat more comfortable with the goal that your pet doesn’t think that it’s important to jump out without getting his paws cleaned. Make sure you hold his paws gently and clean them with a soap or maybe using a dog shampoo. You may also use a soft brush for deep cleaning between fingers.
Using wet wipes can help you better clean your dog paws, however in case if you do not have them , you may also use a soft cloth dipped in a lukewarm water and gently wipe across the fingers and there are many dog wipes available online specifically designed for dogs you may also use oil or shampoo in a soft cloth and gently rub their paws and clean them with water or with other fresh soft cloth.
3.Check for Cuts
Check the paws of your dog if any cuts or tears and injuries happen after a walk. Or you can realise if he licks his paws, also look for debris or any foren objects like metal cut or stuck off a glass piece in paws or pads may happen, as they cannot be stitched they take long time to heal so it is better not to take him for a walk when your pet is hurt or wear him boots while going out for a walk.
4.Dog paw cleaner
Just imagine if there is an automated way of cleaning your dog’s paw without any hassle, which will ease your job. There are many devices available online such as dog paw cleaner which is in the shape of a tumbler, allowing your pet’s feet inside it. This device would have soft silicon bristles enabling a deep clean of your pets feet without harming or irritating them.
5.Snow ball removal
There are many ways to remove snowballs from your pets paws however, having waterproof boots to their cute little paws can prevent the formation of snowballs. Gently rub with coconut oil or a paw balm to get rid of snowballs. Cleaning with lukewarm water might help in removal of snowballs and you may also use hair dryer, but make sure your dog may not be scared
6.Dog Boots
The best way to keep your dogs paws clean is to prevent them from spoiling and the easiest way is to buy a good pair of boots for your pets, which will protect your dogs paws by getting dirty whenever you take them out for a walk. This will help reduce the extra effort for you and protect your dog’s feet from various extreme conditions such as glass items, snow, metal and chemicals.
7.Cleaning with Coconut Oil
Applying coconut oil to your dog paws has many benefits. The natural coconut oil has so many goodies in it, especially for a Dog. Massage gently on your dog’s feet once in a while with coconut oil, or even before you take him for a walk to get a smooth and a deep cleaning benefit at same time giving his feet protection from several adversities such as having sore paws, infections, wounds and itching irritants.
8.Quick Resin in Bathtub
A quick wash after an immediate walk will help you remove dirt quickly as waiting for a long time after a muddy walk can dry up the paws and complicates the cleaning process. Taking lukewarm water in a bathtub and washing thoroughly between the fingers with a gentle massage will give you the best results.
9.Trim the excess fur
Having excess fur on your pet is the reason for them to get dirty in the majority of the cases. Frequent bath, vacuuming and brushing will help smoothen the fur. Although it can cause getting dirty easily, Therefore getting rid of excess fur is always advised for your pet and several devices also available online to help better in trimming your pets excess fur.
10.Cleaning with Vinegar
Getting rid of a dried mud or a dirt on your dog’s paws can be easily cleaned with homemade remedy by using water and vinegar in equal quantity and soak your dog’s feet for 5 minutes, rinse thoroughly. This will smoothen your dog paws by giving you easy clean as well.
It is always important to maintain your dog’s hygiene, especially their paws, as they are the major source of germs which can harm your pet. However there are no specific timelines or guidance to clean your dog’s paws, but it is very critical to maintain cleanliness of your pet which will help your house to be clean as well. Observe your pets feet frequently for wounds, cuts or suffering with any pain, do not neglect and take him to the veterinarian immediately to give him a healthy, happy life.
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