Fleas can make your pets’ lives miserable. Not only do fleas disturb your pet for a  horrible scratching, but when they get into your home, they may additionally lay their eggs in your furniture, home spaces, cover, and elsewhere they can get to.

Fortunately, there are a lot of approaches to treat fleas on your pets without utilizing medicines. In case you’re considering how to get rid of fleas on your pet’s body with minimal efforts read on to find our top 10 Remedies on treating Dog fleas at home.

Top 10 Home Remedies To Get Rid of Dog Fleas

1.Maintaining Clear Surroundings

Maintaining surroundings by watching each room searching for any fleas and their eggs that are left over after cleaning the house. Fleas in a rug can look like little dim spots which vanish similarly as fast as they are seen. Fleas are always where your pets rest the most. You can even notice some dried and dead fleas left over, mostly found on the bed and rugs of your pet.

If there are numerous fleas it is better to destroy or dispose of all pets beds and sheets. Or washing in hot water, or with soapy water may kill the fleas and also destroy eggs without fail for prevention.

2.Giving your Pet a Daily Bath

It is actually the dirt that causes the formation of fleas: dirt contains fleas poop which will later form the fleas that will suck the blood of your pet. A gentle wash or may a bath with soap or shampoo will act as an insecticide and avoid forming plee poo a regular bath with any pet shampoo will smoothen its fur thus having less chances for fleas combing after your pets bath will help in fall of the dead fleas.

3.Healthy Diet like Garlic and Yeast

In some studies, it has been proved that Garlic and brewer’s yeast have the natural ability of anti fleas that will not allow fleas to attack your pet. You can add them directly into your pets food or rub them on their fur directly.

4.Trimming the Excess Fur and Maintaining Hygiene

Trimming of your pet’s fur will help in reducing fleas, though most of us would not have his fur-trimmed because it may not look cute therefore a professional hair trimmer for your pet is advised. Having fur on your pet is more likely to have fleas because of dirt forming very quickly and the less chances of deep cleaning the fur.

5.Steam Clean

No one would want to have their home filled with bad orders from their pets and fleas on it, which can impact the hygiene of your home. Thus having a steam bath for your pet or cleaning will help in getting rid of fleas as well as bad odor.  A steam bath might require mostly water and very few cleaning agents that are safe for your pet. steam cleaning will also clear the eggs of fleas that will no longer hurt your pet.

6.Vacuum Cleaning

If the carpet is full of fleas, eggs, and dirt use a vacuum cleaner to clean the dirt fleas and eggs which will pick them up easily as the life cycle of eggs occurs between fourteen days so make sure you vacuum once a week so that you can stop the hatching of eggs and spread of fleas and can also avoid the fleas attacking your pet.

7.Lemon Spray or Lemon Bath

A citrus solution is the best way to avoid fleas on your pets. Lemons have the real natural ingredient, citric acid, which will avoid forming fleas on your pets. Applying lemon spray on your pets body can avoid the formation of eggs and kill fleas. Make sure you apply the real lemon spray instead of a flavored spray and be gentle to apply it on the coat avoiding the eyes and face.

8.Fleas Powder, Spray, Shampoo and Wipes

There are many instant solutions are available such as power and sprays which can offer you instant relief from fleas but may not give you the long-term solution in getting rid of fleas formation on your pets it is always advisable to Consult your veteran before you use any products.

9.Laundering a Pets Bedding

When it is time to clean your pers bedding use hot water to do so, as the hot water kills the laid eggs completely and avoids further egg formation. Doing this activity at least once a week along with the dog bath and other hygiene methods to get rid of fleas soaking your pets bedding at a hot temperature at least for an hour will give you the best results.

10.Rubbing with Coconut Oil

There are many things that coconut oil can help, especially to all pet lovers. Coconut oil can help in various ways even in the treatment of fleas… A Gentle massage with coconut oil on your pet’s fur will help smoothen the fur and avoid the formation of laying eggs on it. This will also reduce body odor, giving them good health.


Fleas can always be a pain for any pet lover but not really difficult for one to avoid fleas from pets. The only key to get rid of fleas is to maintain good hygiene of your pet which will keep up his good health and make your house hygiene too. Therefore we bring you the best results above to help your pet from the topical challenges.

NOTE: [We suggest following the guidance of your veterinarian, yet in case you have already started any research].

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