When you want to get your first pet cat, be prepared to love it, care for it, and pay attention, mainly when it’s a kitten. It is very important to know everything about them, such as what they need to eat, how they can be trained and what has to be done when they are left alone at home. Let us see some of the best breeds that you should get if you are a first-time owner.

10 Best Cat Types for First-Time Owners:


Size: 3.6-9.1 kg
Color: Red, seal, chocolate, and the corresponding dilute shades which include blue, lilac, and cream.
Life expectancy: up to 15 years

These are lovable cats that follow their owners at home throughout the day. They can suddenly limp in your arms. If you love your pet to stay close to you all the time then this is a good choice. The gorgeous blue eyes attract most people to take it as a pet. When it comes to sleeping habits, they like sleeping with their owners. They are quick learners so you can teach them various games.

2.Scottish Fold:

Size: 4-6 kg
Color: White, black, blue, red, and cream.
Life expectancy: 11 to 15 years

Scottish fold is an elite breed and is characterized by their folded ears with large eyes, resulting in a look different from other cats. They love human affection and are obsessed with the owners. Loud noises do not startle them. Hence it is a good choice if you live in a city and often play loud music.

3.Persian Cat:

Size: about 5.4 kg
Color: Black, smoke tortoiseshell, blue-cream smoke, blue, cream, and red.
Life expectancy: 10 to 17 years

These are cute fluffy cats with a beautiful look and sweet personality. They need some time to get accustomed to the new environment but once they do, they feel at home. It is important to brush it a few times a week and feed it in a controlled way to prevent it from becoming overweight. If you need an expressive pet with low activity, this is a great choice.


Size: 4.5-5.4 kg
Color: Red, Cream, Chocolate, Seal, Blue, Lilac, Seal Torti, Seal Tortie Tabby, Blue Tabby, Seal Tabby.
Life expectancy: 15 years

This bird has distinct blue eyes with a brown nose. They are born white but develop fur of different shades as they grow up. If you love a sweet and quiet breed that can get along with humans easily, then this is a great choice. Also, it doesn’t need a lot of maintenance.

5.Exotic Shorthairs:

Size: 4.5-5.4 kg
Color: 96 color variants available. This includes black, white, cream, blue, Himalayan, and tortoiseshell with a similar shade of eyes.
Life expectancy: 8-15 years

This breed resembles the Persian cats but the hair length is shorter. Also, they have squished faces that makes them cuter. Younger Exotic shorthairs are very playful and can play for hours but they grow up to develop more calm personalities.


Size: 3.6-6.8 kg
Color: Brown, silver, and snow
Life expectancy: 12-16 years

These are playful variants that act as kittens even when growing older. They appear like smaller versions of cheetahs which sets them apart from other cats. If you already have puppies, and kids at home, but want to get a stylish pet cat, then it is a good option to consider since this breed is not bothered about anyone in its environment. They can even withstand loud noises in their surroundings.

7.British Shorthairs:

Size: 4.1-7.7 kg
Color: Black, blue, red, cream, white, chocolate, and lilac
Life expectancy: 15 years

These cats are small fully creatures who are equally social and independent. They are lovable and like playing with kids as well as adults. If you want to carry around your pet all the time, then this is not a good choice for you as it dislikes being carried around. When it wants, it will sit on your lap but you can’t force your love on it.

8.American Shorthair:

Size: 4.5-6.8 kg
Color: Available in patches and streaks of white, black, brown, cream, silver, and blue
Life expectancy: 15 years

These are cute cats with pleasant and calm nature. They are easy-going and lovable. You need to pay attention to this but this should not be done constantly as they can entertain themselves as per their need. They make an entertaining companion. When introduced properly, they get along with other furry family members easily.


Size: 2.7-5.4 kg
Color: Solid colors such as white, black, red, brown, lavender or patterned colors such as bicolor, calico, tabby, tortoiseshell, pointed, and mink
Life expectancy: 8-14 years

If you are among the people who hate pet hair, then this is an excellent choice for you as these are hairless breeds. They have a different look compared to other cats but have a lovable nature. No need to spend time grooming it. You will find it showing off for attention as it is quite energetic. It is the best indoor cat that gets along with kids and other pets at home.


Size: 3-5 kg
Color: Red, ruddy, fawn, and blue.
Life expectancy: 9-13 years

These are active breeds that are full of energy and very playful. They are known for their soft and quiet voices. If you already have other pet animals and small kids at home, you can still get it as it is quite sociable and loves to be around family members. It keeps itself entertained but also loves to be with the owner. When you are busy, keep some toys so that they can play along with them for hours.


These were some of the easy-going pets which you can own but make sure to understand their traits, food habits, and needs for exercising to keep them fit. Some pet cats need too much attention while others don’t. So based on your daily schedule, you can select the variant accordingly.

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